Friday, October 30, 2009

Health2.0 Spreadsheet of 170 entities

From the speed-dating of one day at Health2.0, I looked at all the websites of companies, people and organizations in the Proceedings, read through all of them, followed some other leads that were of immediacy, and ended up with a spread-sheet that has:

1. Some ontological characterization of the Health 2.0 space
2. Live clicks to web-sites of each one, plus a few secondary sites
3. Commentary (mine) on each one
4. An ontology related to my interest in Personal Health Records, Patient Centered
Medical Home, Patient as Partner, Clinical Portals, Knowledge Portals

Of course, all ontologies are biased constructs, and deserve deconstructing.

These data will the basis of a report on the application of these concepts and technologies to single payor integrated health care systems across other domains, where insurance is not competitive and drivers are different from ours.

A copy of this spreadsheet is available on request to

I am in the process of sending this to Matthew Holt at Health2.0accelerator / advisors, and it may be that it is available there as well.


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