Friday, October 16, 2009

It occurs to me that if memes are truly cosmic, then it may be more than "if I have an idea new to me, someone else will have thought of it already" but instead that by the very act of thinking of a new idea, it creates the meme (as in paired photons) in some time past, so that at the instant of thinking of it, there will have been created, and in existence, an uncertain number of copies of it in other space-time coordinates....

Of course, this thought itself must also be a don't tell me "Richard Dawkins said that" - that assertion, if true now, did not exist until this thought was created....perhaps by some other actor thinking of it, creating the instance in my mind....are there prime thinkers? how could one ever tell?

Distributed and decentralized creation of memes...take that notion into a venture capital meeting.


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